We Need Your Help!

With generous support from the Collins Foundation and Oregon Community Foundation, OSLP is developing a training/consulting program that will assist arts & culture centers and organizations, open to the general public, in addressing barriers to access for people with disabilities. The purpose of this training program will be to increase access to arts & culture opportunities for community members experiencing disabilities.
Below are links to two short surveys asking for feedback about experiences accessing or attempting to access creative opportunities in our communities. While we’re clear on the need for increased access to the arts, it’s important to us that we obtain direct community input to ensure we properly prioritize these needs. We’d appreciate as much feedback as we can get.
Below are links to two short surveys asking for feedback about experiences accessing or attempting to access creative opportunities in our communities. While we’re clear on the need for increased access to the arts, it’s important to us that we obtain direct community input to ensure we properly prioritize these needs. We’d appreciate as much feedback as we can get.
Questions for people with disabilities
Questions for support persons
Questions for support persons